34 men converged for a Clash of the Titans (as coined by Cherry Bomb) for an UltraMan v. Scrappy Q vs. Q battle as the first match of the Elite 8 kicked off.  34 men at Arnie's Army seemed like a lot of PAX.  We may have scared a few neighbors driving to work. 

Coin Flip:  Scrappy (chooses 2nd) / Ultraman (chooses the venue – Arnie's Army) 

Warm-Up:  Ultraman – SSH, Slow Windmill (crowd favorite), Carrot puller or Snazzberry or something like that

Hot LAP 

Mosey to the Bridge 

3 Rounds of Bear Crawl / Bridge Planks 

"Under the Bridge" played courtesy of Scrappy (no one noticed) 

Mosey back – lunge walks

Circle Up – plank (Time is Up – that was fast) 

Scrappy Thang: 

Partner Up – only grab 1 block 

Hot Lap – winners establish leaders (Crocs and Swing State) 

Indian Run Around Camp

1 block run / 1 block Zamperini run 

Partner Blocks 

Man 1 – Zamperini to first Street Light (maybe that was the 2nd one?) 

Man 2 – 50 merkins oyo 


Repeato with Zamperini and 100 LBCs (audible 75).  Crocs calls BS. 

4 Corners 

10 block merkins – Partner 1 

20 regular merkins 

Mosey to next corner – Flap Jack 

10 block swings – Partner 1 

20 squats (not 30 Cherry Bomb) 

Mosey to last corner – Flap Jack 

"Gonna Fly Now" 

Rocky Balboas x 15 in cadence 

Mosey to Rock Pile — blocks back 

Mosey to Starting Point


"Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol 

Circle Up – 15 SSH's in cadence while we wait for the Chorus 

Chorus – merkins – down on "More more more" 

LBC's x 5 in cadence 

Chorus – merkins – down on "More more more" 

6:15 reecover 

Vote – Cherry Bomb calls an Audible.  Not enough pen/paper.  Ultra and Scrappy run away.  

Blind Vote. 

Scrappy moves on to Final Four. 

UltraMan COT Prayer 


1.  T-Claps to UltraMan for corraling 34 men.  That was a huge task taking 34 men to the bridge and back.  You are a natural born leader and I really enjoyed your prayer at the end from your heart.  You've got a lot to give to others and I am glad to do life with you brother.  #ShieldLock   

2.  Etch was rocking the throwback Mad Scientist T-shirt along with YHC.  Big Kid always brings the energy and glad to see you brother.  Been too long. 

3.  Kosar showed despite a nasty knee injury from soccer the night before. 

4.  Lego, Turncoat, Auto, Hoodie and others may have done a Standard.  YHC came in HOT.  Missing Don Ho today.  You were missed, but Auto said he was you, so you were there in spirit. 

5.  Die Hard – came in HOT at the 11th hour.  Luckily, UltraMan didn't leave you behind. 

6.  Qbert was going under an alias today (like Auto), but you have to show to know.  

7.  Jorel sighting.  OG in the house.  Good to see you.  My music still got a C+.  I have come a long way according to Jorel.  Still haven't arrived. 

8.  Turnpike was rocking his pink gloves.  That's a man who is secure in his masculinity. 

9.  Crocs came out of the box really HOT on the HOT LAP.  He's got wheels, but not sure he understood the Indian Run or maybe YHC didn't explain it correctly.  Only the back man runs up.  The front man stays.  The block handoff was tricky. 

10.  T-Claps to Cherry Bomb for setting up Q v. Q.  He's got my vote for F3 LKN #MOTY and no secret ballot needed here.  My vote is in writing and recorded. 

DJ Scrappy OUT 

P.S. Uncle Rico and Swing State got in some extra Zamperini work.  I noticed.