8 men stepped forth to take on the River Monster in the hot and humid gloom. 3 fools took to a 2+ mile standard beforehand.
Circle up in soccer field.
- SSH 20X IC
- Mountain Climbers 20X IC
- Muricans 10X IC
- Squats 10X IC
The thang
Round 1
- Muricans 10X IC
- Parker Peter 10X IC
- Peter Park + Murican 10X IC
- In & Out Jack (aka Bam Bam's) 10X IC
Round 2 – Mosey to bleachers
- Squat 10X IC
- Step ups 20X OYO
- Single leg squat 10X IC (each leg)
- Lunge & hold for 30 seconds (each leg)
Round 3 – mosey to equipment and partner up. Four stations set up that each group rotated through at 3 minutes per station through the first rotation. The second rotation was for 2 minutes per station.
Station 1
- Partner 1 – Farmer carry two 5 gallon buckets 3/4 full of gravel (~35lbs) to cone (~25 yards) and back
- Partner 2 – Burpee over sandbag until P1 returns
- Repeato until time is called
Station 2
- Partner 1 – Bear crawl drag 35lb or 50lb KB to cone (~15 yards) and back
- Partner 2 – KB swings until P1 returns
- Repeato until time is called
Station 3
- Partner handclap Muricans 10X
- Partner sit up with 40lb sandbag (hand off sandbag to partner at the top of sit up)
- Repeato until time is called
Station 4
- Partner 1 – Broad jump to cone (~25 yards) and back
- Partner 2 – Thrusters with 60lb sandbag until P1 returns
- Repeato until time is called
- Elbow plank for 1 minute
- Low flutter – 25X IC
- Low Dolly – 15X IC
- Freddy Mercury – 20X IC
- LBC – 15X IC
- Continue to lift up our brother, Olive, and his family
- Nicely done today fellas, not a lot of mumble chatter once we hit the stations, it was intended to be that way
- Creeper was a beast and torched everything, as to be expected
- We met Jedi's friend, Ferdinand, a chigger he picked up during the Bear (weird)
- Swamp Thing effectively completed the 50 yard broad jumps in about 5 jumps total – dude has some length
- Wingman, thanks for the consistent encouragement to get out to this AO (I have as little excuse as anyone)
- Need Red October to sign up on Isotope site so he can be official!