Do not Conform / Murder Bunnies

Event Date

Sep 26, 2020


4 men appeared from the gloom, looking for some laughs, some brotherhood, and oh yes, some physical testing, pain, and growth.  So much information in the world about what to do, when to do it, conflicting opinions, passionate rebuttals, seemed like we needed to be grounded a little bit in conforming…or not conforming…or who is the authority anyways.  This is how is all went down…

Warm Up (x = in cadence)
– 20x SSH
– 15x windmills
– 15x cotton pickers
– 15x copperhead squats
– 15x merkins
– 2×10 dippy birds
*** missed you Dandelion

Run to the back for…
Follow the Leader:
45 seconds burst on, 15 seconds to transition
– step ups
– shoulder touch merkins
– Australian rows
– Hexafecta
– derkins
– zig zag zig's
– calf raises
– pull up/toe touches
– land mines
– tire flips
*** doh, YHC forget to weave in derkins, Tclaps to Anvil for keeping me honest.  Maybe I'm not the best leader to follow.  Hmmm, something to think about.  Who is your 'leader'?  Are they worthy of being followed?

Everyone grab a block…run up to the Elysian field of weeds.
Time for the main course…Murder Bunnies.
Everybody loved last week's IPC challenge so much, thought I'd weave in a little bit of this week's plan.
However, I thought the plan was insane and I didn't want it to be the whole workout.
"Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist" Ralph Waldo Emerson

Murder Bunnies Lite:
10 burpee block jump overs (bbjo)
murder bunny to the other side of the field ~25 yards
25 block squat thrusters
run back + 10 bbjo + murder bunny 25 yards
25 combo merkins
run back + 10 bbjo + murder bunny 25 yards
2×25 vertical block wipers
*** put your calves in jeopardy, go over the top
run back + 10 bbjo + murder bunny 25 yards
*** tclaps again to Anvil…we missed 1 of the 4…
*** YHC (oxygen depraved, wishes memory worked, refers to crib) immediately remembers
25 curl presses

God bless all of you that did the full Murder Bunnies workout.
Not jealous.

Return blocks to the back.
*** Anvil was pretty much co-Q'ing at this point…LOL…and suggests the Panera Pick 3.
*** I'm about to head for a bagel, a salad, and a smoothie, but Anvil clarifies, and we do it
Pick 3 of your favorites from the previous circuit.  At least 1 should be least favorite.
*** Shirley laments that all 3 of his were his least favorite.  Burp occurs in space time continuum.

Up to the front for Mary:
10x Freddie Mercury's
2×10 box cutters
10x low dolly's
*** wanted to put the music back on for ABC's, but OH RATS, WE RAN OUT OF TIME…#crowdpleaser

Reflection:  Romans 12: 1-2   Amplified version
Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be [c]transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
* find your leader, who should you follow?  yourself?  your government?  your favorite sports figure?  your neighbor?
* learn, study and become right minded with your leader
* then, and this is actually the hard part, you have to DO what your leader has guided you to do
* this is the living sacrifice part we like to forget…because we have to give up our selfish desires and admit that we aren't really the #1, we must bow to our leader.
* For me, my leader is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  
* consider meditating on these thoughts and praying for guidance, courage, knowledge, obedience, and sacrifice.

moleskine: (sprinkled throughout)
* special props to Salty for doing his ladder, man carry training this week.  Bringing an unconscious 250-lb guy down a ladder.  You are a stud!  SUPER impressive!!  Well done!!!
* Speaking of studs, Anvil is a beast.  Just wow.
* Shirley and Salty weren't far behind.  Nice work men.
* my COVID test was negative.  WooHoo!!!

I appreciate the opportunity to lead such fine men through the workout.