Do you choose the hostel life, or does the hostel life choose you…

Event Date

Sep 11, 2017

FNG 1 – John Boy, not listed

I knew Saturday that today would be tough, but rolled out of bed anyway.  Glad I did. 


Slow mosey around lot, high knees and butt kickers

15 each


Soybean Farmer


Pigeon 15 secs each side

Mercan x 5


Mosey to track

"4 Corners" – 5 rounds

At each corner of track perform 10 reps of:


Step ups

Pull Ups


Then, grab a block

Low Curl, High Curl Full Curl – 8 each

Skull Crusher – 10

Shoulder Press – 8

Lawnmower Pull – 8 each side

On your 6 and 10 presses with the block


Return the blocks, and mosey to front, hop the balls

Then, Rocky Balboa – 20 reps

Mosey to corner, plank, right arm up, left arm up, bring up right foot for stretch, and then left foot for stretch

Mosey back to cars


Low Flutter

Dot the I

Box Cutters

Recover, Recover:

  • Thanks the the PAX that came out today. It would have been so easy to FS, but I know I feel better and looser for being out there.
  • I did not stay in the hostel but in our pre-workout circle where we were pondering life, we wondered does a person choose the hostel life, or does the hostel life choose them? This may have permeated through the workout because there was a quiet, and philosophical approach to the exercises. Either that or everyone was still exhausted and just trying to survive. We'll never know.
  • Another BRR in the books and proud to have run with my Bad News brothers. I don't know if I honestly would have stuck with F3 had it not been for that to make the deeper connection to what F3 stands for and for the guys last year and new guys this year. The runs were hard, and sucked at times, but I knew I was part of something larger and that keep me going no matter how fast I was running (or walking the Goat).
  • 9/11 has a big significance to us all, for me personally it's also the anniversary of my dad passing away. Miss him a lot, but know he would be proud.
  • It's an honor to have an opportunity to lead in this group.
  • Q spots open in October, sign up!