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Event Date

Feb 05, 2018

18.2.5 – Thunderdome BB

5 Brave souls lurked out of the foggy gloom to see how a post-Patriots Super Bowl loss would affect the world.  They all took the red pill and ran the Standard before the rucking shennanigans began.  This is their story.

6 30lb KBs
3 40 – 50lb sandbags
4 Full-kit rucks

30 seconds arm circles
20 forward seal-claps IC
20 overhead seal-claps IC

100M shuffle with sandbags and 30lb KBs as at a team
20 KB swings OYO 0r 20 sandbag cleans
Drop Rucks and weight
100M dash back to start
100M bear crawl back to coupons

RUCKS ON: get low move coupons
100M KB toss or sandbag toss
10 muricans IC 
10 squats IC (weighted)
RUCKS OFF; drop weight
400M run around building

RUCKS ON: move weight
100M shuffle
30 KB swings OYO or 30 sandbag cleans
100M shuffle back
RUCKS OFF: drop coupons
400M run around building

RUCKS ON: move coupons
100M lung walk
RUCKS OFF: drop coupons
400M run around building

RUCKS ON: move coupons to lot near shed

20 Flutter presses IC
20 Marine Corp sit-ups OYO
1 crisp, clean burpee


Today was about moving with weight and learning to be comfortable in the uncomfortable.  About not knowing what is coming next and dealing with it.  About accepting the evolution you are in; not the one to come.  About #GYMR

  • Nacho Libre – Well done on the run and the workout today. Clearly you have grit.  Keep up the solid work. Oh, and REGISTER ON THE WEBSITE SO I CAN LOG YOUR NAME!
  • Red October – Yes I have weight in my ruck.  After the comparison of my ruck and yours after the workout, you need to add a little more water before this weekend. 
  • Big Montana – You are kicking ass and taking names, bro.  Well done. Glad you are on the team.
  • Blackberry – Thank you for the opportunity to lead and the push to hold the standard at TDome.  I hope my work today was adequate.