Do you know the rules for a 5k with pain stations?

Odd start we had a couple guys late and some take off on their own journey. We mosey’d to the movie theater for warmorama and then down to the lamp by the pond for warmorama pt 2. Jog across the bridge and up the hill towards Robbins park for first pain station at the top of the hill climb. Jog it through the neighborhood to the pool parking lot for another beat down. Jog it out to Robbins park and hang a left for elevation church, at this point we started to create some considerable distance between the group. Fast pax began early bird beat down with touch & go squats on the picnic table Benches while we waited for the 6. Continued the beat down when they arrived. Jog it to end of elevation parking lot where we picked up the pace for some double time (fast as pax can manage without injury to the brusters ice cream) regrouped and started off again to the corporate park for some partner work on the hamiltons. Jog it back to start. Recover recover. Fng-1 is Doogie. Still hasn’t made an account on the website. Caught up with a couple extra guys at 6:15 Starbucks. We ran with 11 including YHC.