Do your job

12 men posted to the Thursday SVU Standard.    




Mountain Climbers


Tony Hawks

LBH work

     Karaoke left


     Karaoke Right



1st Plan: Summit Ridge Work

   Travel down Summit Ridge via:

            10 IC Squats

            10 Inchworms

   10 IC Merkins

Art Loader Sprints (2×2)

       Back to the top of Summit Ridge as fast as you can


2nd Plan: Parking Lot Fun

Throw back to 80’s video games

  • Centipede 1 – Side Slides x2 (up and back)

  • Centipede 2 – Bear Crawl / Crawl Bears

3rd Plan: Playground fun

    Burpees  – Pull ups – WW1 Rotation x3


Reflection: “What is your vocation?  To be a good person”.

— Marcus Aurelius   

    My high school football coach used to stress, “know your position on the field”.  He wanted each of us to know what we were responsible for, and if each took care of our area, the team would win.  Likewise, Bill Belichick of the New England Patriots is often quoted, “Do your job.”

      What is your job on Earth?  To be a good person, yet we often find excuses to avoid doing it.


Mole Skin:

  • The Q if LIFO today.  T-claps to Skipper to kicking off warm ups when Q forgets gloves and has to circle back home.

  • T-claps to Dandelion for closing out the home stretch

  • Retread has wheels.  Nice sprint out.

  • Good turn out today, but very quiet for PAX of 12

  • Didn’t make today’s workout, but look for “Burpee-Donkey Kick-inchworm-merkin” to show up at SVU soon.  Maybe the next Metro Q?

  • Underestimated the soreness from Monday’s Murph when planning this workout.  

  • Enjoyed this morning.  Sound off in comments on missed mumble chatter.


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bul