Dodging the Raindrops at Gaga

Event Date

Nov 12, 2019


FNG is Greg Cross. 

4 speed demons showed for the next level of intervals. Here's how it went down

0515:  YHC screeches into the Robbins Park on two wheels, as has been the custom lately.  Anchovy, Chamois and FNG Greg (missed early introductions so not sure if he's been named) are waiting and ready to head out for..


4 x 1200 around one of the 57 segments Poptart has made in the area. 

Recover, Recover



  • Chamois crushed it.. again.  Another KOM.  Ready to go sub 1:30 in the half
  • Anchovy pushed YHC to the limits, as usual.  Strong work brother. 
  • Welcome FNG Greg.  Didn't get much a of a chance to chat as YHC was so late, and Greg had to depart before we finished colling down so his car was gone when we got back.  Thankfully, he confirmed on the Twitter machine he just had to bolt.
  • Intervals are tough.  3 x 1m next week
  • Good luck to the Charlotte and Richmond runners this weekend.  Be safe, and go get some.

