A fine looking group of 29 men started their day at The General. 


The Thang:

x = in cadence


Pledge of Allegiance

Run to the bottom parking lot:

SSH x 15

IST x 15

Bosai x 10

Merkin x 10


Curb Merkins:

Right arm on curb and then left arm on curb – single count based on when you started F3, e.g., if started in 2011, then 11, if started in 2019, then 19, etc. 

Incline and then decline – single count based on when you started F3 but the reverse, e.g., if started in 2011, then 19, if started in 2019, then 11, etc. 


Plank Plank Goose – about 2/3 of the way around (big group)


Partner leg throw down – 20

Rosalita x 15


Run to the hill between fields:

100 merkins but each time up the hill counts for 10 merkins; your choice on how to get to 100

100 squats but each time up the hill counts for 10 squats; your choice on how to get to 100

100 Carolina dry docks but each time up the hill counts for 10 CDDs; your choice on how to get to 100

Repeato but with 50 each time


Run back to the parking lot for Mary:

Mounty – Bicycle

Moses – W

Thug – JLo

Drive Thru – LBC

Callahan – Homer to Marge

Snake Eyes – Shoulder touch merkins


Recover, Recover



  1. It was great to be back out there Qing again.  It’s been a long time.
  2. I pulled out an oldie with the Bosais.  That comes from my daughter’s karate days.
  3. Sauce was lobbying for an audible during plank plank goose as it was taking a very long time.  I was happy to oblige.
  4. It was great seeing my ex next door neighbor, Mounty, out in the gloom.  Let’s both try to get back out there more.
  5. Also great seeing a lot of OGs (Moses, Mounty, Drive-Thru, Thug, Snake Eyes, Callahan, Hattrick, Soprano, Boar Hog, Bijoux, M-16, etc.)
  6. During nameorama, I had everyone say who EHed them.  Moses has a lot of children and grandchildren.  Heard some names that I hadn’t heard in a while.
  7. Have a great Thanksgiving!