Does he know where he’s going?

Event Date

Nov 07, 2024


LoneStar and Airstream pushed the limits of 5:31 today as we headed east to find the neighborhood up north on Northcross drive.  Upon entering we took a left hand turn onto a cul de sac which I 100% planned and definitely, positively intended that turn and in no way whatsoever thought it would continue into one continuous run like we did after I backtracked…  

We spent time at the hood’s club house and then worked our way out of the hood and up a hill which did not exist when we headed into the neighborhood, therefore, I take no responsibility for the excessive strain and fatigue the pax may have or may not have experienced (note disclaimer prior to workout).

We hit the healthcare facility at the end of the road (where Northcross will be extended soon on it’s way to WEstmoreland Ave) where we ran across one of our servants in blue (or probably black) in a patrol car.  Several commented he that he must have been looking for a place to sleep or eat a doughnut.  Not me.   I support our police unlike some of these “defunders” in our group (kidding).

We proceeded into the apt complex on Northcross where some of the pax had never ventured (UltraMan)  prior to this fabulous workout.  This added some much needed miles, but Omega seemed overly worried about going past  6:15 like he had an important showing at 6:30 or something.  He calmed down when he realized 3.1 miles was an important milestone we had to achieve.

Tammy Faye took us out with some important perspective on keeping our priorities straight and thanking the Lord for listening to our needs.

Cofferteria collected Canuck, Blackbeard and Possum on an OTB Ruck event!!


Thanks brothers!

