Doggone It!

Event Date

Jan 10, 2024

The first Q of the year of YHC was granted to TMO. YHC met the standard solo and did some Hardcore Hill repeats. At 0530 we launched.



  • SSH x 30 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC
  • Hillbillies x 15 IC
  • Carrot Pullers x 10 IC

The Thang

Partner up for Dora

  • 100 burpees
  • 200 squats
  • 300 LBCs

Run to the planters

  • Step ups x 20 each leg OYO
  • dips x 15 IC
  • Bulgarian split squats x 10 each leg OYO
  • Incline mericans x 15 OYO


Line up behind the big stone balls. Run to each one and back to start adding 2 jump squats each time. 10 balls = 20 jump squats at the end. Total jump squats = 110

Run to launch.


  • Low flutter x 20 IC
  • WWII sit ups x 15 SC
  • Plank hold for 60 seconds
  • burpees x 5 OYO



  • Strong showing by those who came out! Glad you chose TMO this morning – it wasn’t easy, but we all got stronger.
  • Flo’s new dog is a force, but Roxy still kicks his ass. He did truck me at one point and Auto pointed out that the pax may not like it if their Nantan turned into Michael Vick.

Appreciate the opportunity to lead. Please sign up for Qs. Until next time – CB