Doin’ Work at The Sword

Event Date

Aug 20, 2018

7 came out and owned Monday morning, here’s the deal…



Mosey back to pull up bars for warm up


1 Burpee

2 Burpees

10 X Toy Soldiers IC

3 Burpees

10 X Windmill IC

4 Burpees

10 X Cotton Pickers IC

5 Burpees


The Thang

Partner up for DORA, Partner A exercise with Partner B running a short lap around the parking lot islands.  Flap Jack until complete:


100 X CDD

150 100 X Hand Release Mericans (Q audible)

250 Squats


Cinder blocks:

10 X Curls IC

5 Pull Ups

10 X Bent Over Row IC

5 Pull Ups

10 X Overhead Press IC

5 Pull Ups

10 X Skull Crushers IC

5 Pull Ups

10 X Low Flutter w/ Block Press IC

5 Pull Ups


Next up was a little running, switch back through the parking lot working our way back up to the front.

Sprint lot

10 X Mericans IC

Sprint lot

10 X Diamond Mericans IC

Sprint lot

5 X Shoulder Touch Mericans IC

Sprint lot


Over to the bench area

15 Step Ups Each Leg OYO

15 X Dips IC

People’s Chair w/Air Press

Balls to the Wall

10 Burpees OYO



10 X Pretzel Crunch Each Side IC

25 X Low Flutter IC


Plank to Finish


Recover, Recover



– Thanks to the men who came out, everyone was pushing hard (especially for a Monday).  Great way to start the week.

– Was potentially going to do Week 3 of Iron Pax Challenge.  Came out late Sunday, read it, and then said “Hmmm, this can wait till later”.  I need more mental preparation before tackling that one!  I think this link will get you to the description, if not follow F3Nation-IronPax on Twitter:


– Mumblechatter fairly low this morning.  Caboose knows his ‘80’s rock, gave the group a 5 Shoulder Touch Merican credit for knowing Skid Row ’18 and Life’.

– One day will get to 150 on the DORA Hand Release Mericans…but not today!


See you in The Gloom…

