Dolittle’s Playground

Event Date

Sep 06, 2023

2 were on-time and 2 were a little late but everyone worked hard…


  • stretch (before other 2 arrived)
  • SSH 10 IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers 10 IC
  • Windmills 10 IC
  • arm circles 
  • grady corns 30 IC

Mosey to block pile, grab a block and head to playground


PAX 1 does counted exercise, PAX 2 and 3 does AMRAP of block exercise, PAX 4 does a lap around playground.  Rotate through until counted exercise is completed.  Counted exercise was per PAX.

  • Round 1 – 50 pull ups, block curls – Bertha and Crabby did all 50
  • Round 2 – 100 merkins, block chest press – Crabby did all 100
  • Round 3 – 50 down unders, bent over rows – moved on for time sake
  • Round 4 – 50 bench dips, skull crushers – all PAX completed


  • 10 LBCs IC
  • 10 Pretzel crunch IC each side
  • 10 low flutters IC
  • 10 Freddie Mercury’s IC


May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had  Romans 15:5



Mostly complaining about how we would not be able to use our arms for anything today.

Mater has been ailing lately with multiple injuries but it didn’t show this morning.

Bertha was fresh off of his trip to Florida and decided to make the trek North to the Meat locker. Great to have him with us.

Crabby does what Crabby does and made a difficult workout look easy.

Thanks for the fellowship this morning fellas.  It was a pleasure to lead.

God Bless,
