Dolphnado: Sharknado’s Little Brother

Event Date

Jul 23, 2024


FNG-1 is Nugent

YHC thought I could scare away the pax by threatening a Sharknado in the preblast, but all that did was discourage some of the marathoners from running a standard beforehand. And so when 0530 rolled around, 8 men were gathered in the moist gloom of the church parking lot expecting this salty, old Q to entertain them. And so YHC did.

The warmup consisted of Walking Lunges for 20 yards or so in the direction of the rock pile. We stopped briefly for some Imperial Storm Troopers (IST — aka Canuck Jumping Jacks), and then did a moving Toy Soldier. We stopped again for some slow Windmills (which earned some praise for being a proper Windmill cadence) before moseying the rest of the way to the rock pile where we each picked a beauty and carried it a short distance to the lot by the soccer fields.

There, someone had been kind enough to write down 5 exercises in street chalk. YHC was pleased to see that Burpees and WWIIs were omitted which don’t work well with a missing disc in the lower back. Instead, we did the following exercises with a lap around the parking lot (~ .125 miles) after each:

  • 20 Carolina Dry Dock (CDD)
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Little Baby Crunch (LBC)
  • 20 ’Mericans
  • 20 Squats

YHC pointed out that the exercises were in alphabetical order upon which Thug was true to his name by completing them in random order. Per Strava, total distances ranged from 1.5 to 2.25 miles. YHC will leave you, the intelligent reader, to figure out how many rounds that works out to for each of the attendees. Suffice it to say, everyone put in their best #YouVsYou effort until 0605 when we reassembled to return the rocks.

On the way back to the starting point, we did some Quadrophelia followed by some Pivoting Side Lunges. At the top of the hill we took a brief respite for some Pigeon stretches before moseying back to the cars where we had just enough time to get in some Suzanne Somers (x20 IC, each leg). 

We went around the horn for the Circle of Trust (COT) giving each a chance to add their own petition before wrapping up with the Lord’s Prayer. The Q showed his Catholic upbringing by botching the Protestant ending (known as the doxology in the RCC) but recovered quickly so that 62.5% of us could relocate to #coffeeteria. Many thanks to the men that posted this morning to push me just a little harder than I would manage on my own — I suspect we are all better for it!