The Thang:
Army Combat Fitness Test
- Pushups – as many as you can without resting or getting up, 2 points per pushup for a maximum of 100 points
- Situps – as many as you can without stopping or resting, 2 points per situp, for a maximum of 100 points
- 2 mile run – scale by age range and sex
Warmorama (yes the warm up came afterwards): SSH x 25, TS x 15, IST x 15, Windmills x 15
Mary: LF x 15, Ankle Ups x 15, Butt Crunches x 10
The Moleskine:
- Don't Ask Don't Tell (DADT) – Governmental policies to address gays and lesbians in the military enacted in 1994 by the Clinton administration. Though a target of ridicule and controversy, the policy remained the official line until overturned in 2011. Apparently this policy is the first thought for the Army Combat Fitness Test. Discussing DADT is probably not the icebreaker one would expect walking into a workout.
- Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) – a scored battery of 3 tests. We seemed to blow away the pushups and mastered the situps. The 2 mile run is graded by age range and sex, which we seem not to even make the age scale… The ACFT is being revamped for 2020 with an increase to 5 different test that better mimic motions in combat situations. The current ACFT had a less-than 50% predictability of actual combat fitness. go figure. Where's our results? It seems that several years of push-ups and WWIIs has shown we surpassed the test, but shown we are less-than 50% fit for combat.
- Look out for a special Christmas Eve workout starting at 0700. Great time, fellas. Always a honor to lead fine men.