Don’t be so aggressive

10 for the work and 4 for the play at Fission today. Not named above was FNG "Rusty" now named Cousin Eddie. Welcome!! A Bouncehouse EH so you know he's good people. Hope to see you soon


Rolled in at 5

Buckets on my mind

3 for a game

21 was the name

We couldn't hit a shot

Like the weather, just not hot.

FNG Rusty soon arrived

Just in time like amazon prime.





– 5 sets of Pullups, Burpees, Hand release merkins and partner leg throws

The Nantan was not a fan of Hatricks partner leg throws. "Don't be so aggresive!" he protested. "It's supposed to hurt" was the reply.

– Mosey to parking lot and partner up. 

10 turkish getups. One partner sprints to other side of parking lot and back. Other partner holds Al Gore. Flapjack. 10 jump squats

Repeato above with backpedals, lung walk and bearcrawls.

Circle up for Mary


– Fun playing some hoops before the workout today. Great idea for a Standard.Titan and Amen both have some game.  A bit nipply out, but the balls were nice and bouncy. 

– Would anyone be interested in playing a game as a full workout sometime. Would hope to find a full court somewhere and get 10 guys, but could be doable. Does BRP court have lights at night / early morning?

– Great to see some of the Cornelius crew today, if there is such a thing. Most were still grumbling about the Egyptian Q at Paininsula on Tuesday

– Praying for those battling cancer, I seem to hear that as a request at almost every workout. Today Bagboy mentioned his father-in-law who has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. 

– Bagboy is almost as dreamy as Mini Me. Neither are as dreamy as Ramrod. 

– Thanks for letting me take the reigns today Titan


