Don’t Be Unfit For The King

Warm Up:

10 IC R leg Fire Hydrants
10 IC L leg Fire Hydrants
Parking lot mosey
10 IC Shoulder Touch Merkins
10 IC Tony Hawks

The Thang:

Mosey to the Dungeon:
20 IC Marching Iron Chair
10 IC Walking Plank

Mosey to the blocks/rocks, everyone gets a block, 2.0's get a rock, then circle up
10 OYO plank lateral block pulls (10 each direction, 20 total)
10 IC Curls
1 hill sprint, mosey back
Partner Up – and keep partner for the workout – size matters.  
Partner jumps on your back, 5 IC squats with Partner on your back, switch and repeat IC.
10 Skull Crushers
line up for 1 Sprint across field, mosey back
10 IC Chain Saws with L Arm
10 IC Chain Saws with R Arm
10 IC Rock Presses
Partner up – 10 IC Partner Hops (Low plank legs apart, partner jumps in and out between both legs – 3 hops, across and back is 1!) (Switch and repeat)
10 IC CDD Carolina Dry Docks (on your block)
L side shuffle across field, r side shuffle back (not karaoke)

Return the blocks.  Mosey to the baseball diamond for a circuit:
Everyone starts at home, and planks for the six after each round.
Sprint to 1st, mosey 2nd, 3rd, home. 10 LBC, plank
Spint to 1st, 2nd, then butt kicks to 3rd, home.  10 LBC, plank
Sprint to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, then high knees home. 10 LBC, plank
Sprint all way around, 10 LBC, plank

Mosey down to bleachers at lower ball field.
10 IC Dips
10 IC Pistol Squats L leg holding fence for balance
10 IC Pistol Squats R leg holding fence for balance
10 IC Derkins

Mosey to the end of the football field.  Circle up:
10 more IC partner squats to entertain the folks walking/running the track.
10 IC Monkey Humpers, because that's what we do.

This was a nice spot to do Mary, so we went ahead and took care of that here, then completed the workout.


Guantanamo: Pax in a circle on their backs heels up. First pax jumps up and pushes the feet down around the circle fighting to keep legs off the ground. Followed by next pax in line then hit the ground legs up when back to your start position until last man finishes the circle.             
?Partner Up: 10 OYO Punch Sit Ups (Switch and repeat)
At Q's call – Banana Supermans

Carry on with the workout…

Mosey on to the practice field the long way since the gate was locked.
10 IC Australian Pull-ups palms out
10 IC Australian Pull-ups palms in
Partner carry across field, switch half way


1 Timothy 4:7-9

7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. 

Being godly isn’t a change that just happens when we give our lives to Christ.  We have to train! 

How do we train?

  • read our Bibles
  • fellowship with others
  • small groups or have discussions with others (opportunities to ask questions)
  • prayer

Most good athletes put in the work, but they often also have a good coach.

How are you training yourself to be godly?
Who is your spiritual coach?
Who is on your spiritual team?


  • Clubber worked hard to find alternate exercises as almost everything I had cooked up today was tough for a one armed bandit.
  • C# has been stuggling to make it out as of late, but man it felt good to be back out!
  • School starting back and sports starting up put a hurting on our 2.0 attendance.
  • Lots of chatter today, was a good time.
  • Spork, kept mentioning something about Fridays…??
  • We got some lame dudes on our team right now.  Pray for their recovery.
  • Closer made a new friend on the band practice field.  Don't talk to strangers.
  • I'm sure there was more, so feel free to add in the comments.