Don’t Blame Me, Blame Previous Q’s

24 (including a first post FNG (Drew) – he caved to my EH) + YHC decided to get lost in the dense fog this AM for a previous Q's exercises beatdown.  Brought the best of the best today from YHC, Pierogi, Schnieder, Jolly Roger's previous workouts here at the "new" but now "old" AO.  Of course none of the above, besides YHC, showed up to endure the pain they put upon the Pax over the past 1 month.  Had to audible going off AO today, as the fog was so dense, didn't want any encounters with a car today!  Great work by the pax today for this full body workout…and that it was!

0530: Waiting on my FNG (he's LATE – and he's never late (been buddies with him for 11 years)….so I am now doubting his "commitment" to….oh but wait, what's that I see in the distant, YES…that's the truck I've been waiting to see.  Disclaimer for the Pax already there…

0530 (and 30 seconds): we go, and I give FNG the Disclaimer on the run.  He learned his first lesson, wheels up at 0530…CHECK!

Mosey to Oak Tree – circle around

  • "Warmorama" 
    • SSH X 50 IC (Pierogi special here)
    • Cotton Picker X 15IC

The Thang…

  • Partner Up
    • 1:30 minute Merkin Max while partner counts (Jolly Roger Special – but I went easy and scaled back from 2:00 to 1:30 – you are welcome!)
    • Flapjack
  • Run back of school (this was my audible – Jolly had guys run to the circle and Lunge walk around entire traffic circle, but too foggy today for that).
    • Lunge Walk around half of the track behind school
  • Grab rocks and put in circle by bball courts
    • ½ Pax – Lake Normans (Picnic Table Presses) 6 Guys / Table X 20 IC (Pierogi special – these are a must have and will take any pax member out!)
    • ½ Pax – Freddie Mercuries
    • Flap Jack
  • Grab Rocks – circle up on BBall courts
    • ½ Pax – Partial Mucho Chesto (regular, wide, diamond) X 10 IC (Thank Schneider for this one – and again, I was even nice and took two sets out – I know…three was hard enough!)
    • ½ Pax – rock variations (curl, rockbell swings, skull crusher) X 10 IC
  • Mosey / Drop Rocks between gates
  • Run around entire school back to rocks (FYI – it's 1/3 of a mile)
  • Rocks / Australian Pull Ups
    • Partner 1 = Louis Zamparini with Rock (hold overhead until partner is done with pull ups and sprint) – Thanks Pierogi
    • Partner 2 = Australian Pull Ups X 10 IC / Sprint to last light at end of parking lot 
    • Flap Jack
  • Box Jump Burpees (thanks to Jolly Roger)
    • 1 Box Jump / 1 Burpee
    • 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5
  • Back to cars for 1 minute of Mary.  
  • Recover Recover

Great job by everyone on the above workout.  A lot there in a short period of time.  Sweet C says, "wow…we're done already…"  Music to my ears!  


  • Etch started mumblechatter early, along with The Outlaw, about starting off with running (we ran from the front of school to the Grand Oak Tree…1/4 mile at most) 🙂 
  • Raven says, "are we going to get another 'Roots' speech…."  Not today, but I am glad to know it sunk in!
  • Starting with 100 total SSH's to get the morning started was a great way to get warm in the 39 degree weather!  Thank Pierogi for that one from his previous workout.
  • The 1:30 AMRAP Merkins are a doozy.  Thanks Jolly for that one – the Pax thanks you.  And while it was suppose to be 2:00, with the Schneider "Mucho Chesto" around the corner, I eased up a bit.
  • Toxic (and others) calling BS on the Lunge walk around half the "track" behind the school.  Hadn't done that before and by the end, it's brutal!  Next time, the full track!  Of course Olive says to me, "I've done 1.8 miles like this with a ruck on…."  #feelinglikeawhimpnow
  • Lost my iPhone at this point in the workout, so couldn't play music during the workout.  Disappointing as I had a great line up ready.  Thanks to Pax member (can't recall name) who said, "I saw you set it on the blue table…"  Whew!  Thanks Toxic for retrieving for the COT! It'll be present for #Samson – starting off with some Stone Temple Pilots in honor of the great Scott Weiland who passed away too early over the weekend!
  • The Picnic table shoulder press (I like to call The Lake Norman – because by the time you get to 15 IC count, the entire table is rocking like a boat on LKN on a Saturday afternoon).  These are killer, and a Pierogi introduction to The Mighty Oak.  Luckily Pierogi was not there today, you may have been exiled.
  • Mucho Chesto / Rock Variations – #brutal  Seriously, the Merkins are a killer, and we did a "semi-version" of it.  
  • Nice work to FNG (Drew) for putting Toxic in his place.  I forgot to tell the Pax ahead of time, Drew can blow a place out at will!  The best part for him, is that his wife has no sense of smell (chemistry accident years back – I am not joking) so the fartsack or "Dutch Oven" are inneffective at his house…he's only hurting himself.  All I heard during the exercise was…"oh…ugh…WTH…OMG…." and I knew right then, "that had to be Drew…" 
  • Had some confusion with the Burpee Box jumps.  My bad, but in the end…no matter what way you did it, they should have hurt.  If not, well then do some more at home today.  I just blamed it on Jolly who came up with this…but admit, I did not do a good job explaining / coordinating this one.  
  • And finally, Bam Bam got a little too aggresive during Mary and wanted to do his "Bam Bams" and as the Q, well, it was 6:15:30, so I killed it – "Recover Recover"  Good news is that I didn't get Mumblechattered to death by his Dog Baxter today!  
  • Thanks Tweetsie for taking us out!  Great as always.

Amazing work men!  Hope you enjoyed it, and hope you are sore tomorrow!  I know I will be.  If you want to know the latest for the 2nd F (Fellowship), follow @SweetC_F3  on Twitter.  

Pray for those mentioned today (Grace, Etch's child, and any others I missed or were not mentioned).  

If you haven't Q'd this AO, or any others, sign up!  You will thank me when you are done.  "Leading" 24 guys like today, is such an honor and goes a long ways towards making your day/week ahead, that much better.  And more importantly, as the Q, know that you won't please everyone, but if you can postively impact just one guy's morning (and it's many more than one BTW) to improve their mind, body, and spirit…well, then in my book, that's worth it!  Everyone comes in the morning with different thoughts and feelings…and sometimes these thoughts and feelings aren't always good ones!  It's our job as men to lift each other up when one is down, and even if you don't know when someone is down, mentally or physically, that's okay…they themselves know what you did helped them and they might just be in a better place than they were when they got there at 0525.  Go sign up…you will not be dissapointed, and neither will the Pax!

Have a great day men, and see you in the Gloom soon (hint hint…I have the Q tomorrow at Samson at Lake Forest Chuch).  And I can't help but promote Dragonslayer at GCC tomorrow as well of which Bam Bam is leading.  Bam Bam is one of two guys who got me into this crazy world of F3…so I got to help a brother out…even though Samson might be a tad bit better 🙂 

Da Packers,