Don’t forget my phone

Event Date

Nov 09, 2024

YHC pulled in early enough to see a small crowd forming in the parking lot of RBP, but not just of soccer moms and dads and refs, but of hard-charging F3ers!  But as 0659 hit, some of those F3ers (Jedi, Gambini) would make their way to their vehicles to leave.  🙁  YHC understood and wished them well, “This workout isn’t for everyone, so best you go get some coffee”.

So 5 MEN remained, and YHC was ready to offer a tour of The Estate (The Estate Extension, that is).

Mosey to the top of the parking lot, stop for warm-o-rama of the usual kind.

Mosey across the street and down the hill.  Easy mosey since it was down hill, so we took the turn like champs and added a super short mosey up to the turn inside the CSD athletic campus (The Estate deux).

Stop here for a Dora.  Snake Eyes and 66 would partner up as would Elmers and Rooter.  YHC would do half of each exercise and bounce back and forth between the teams like the social butterfly that is YHC.

100 Merkins while partner runs up the short but nasty hill to the stop sign.

200 Jump Squats

300 Jackknife LBCs 

When we began the merkin portion, YHC would pull my phone from my pocket, set it down by the curb and direct the pax, “Don’t let me forget this.”  Stay tuned for how that turned out…

After Dora, we’d avoid the big hill where we came from, but this meant back up this same darn hill we’d been running for the past 20ish minutes…  But the pax followed, and we took in more sights of The Estate Extension Territory.  Mosey through, then stop at the entrance to the football field.  OYO, 5 merkins, 10 jump squats, 15 (round up to 16 to make it even) jackknife LBCs.  Elmers had trouble remembering and understanding that this is a mini repeato of what we’d done during the 1st half of the workout…

Mosey on…  

Over to the tennis courts where we’d do 3 hot sets of dips on the benches while we watch one gentleman play himself in tennis.  Almost every serve was an ace, and yes – he won.

Mosey on…

Back across Beatties Ford, which was nearly as hazardous as the 1st time we crossed it…  Down the sidewalk and down to the new restrooms where YHC then realized it was not longer an open  space – who left these tables here???  So around the corner to the parking lot.

Pentagon of Pain with Helping Hand Glute Bridge Bomb.  Yeah – just like it sounds.  A real pax-pleaser and YHC may have to run this back again next Q (it’s a little better than the “Vertical Thrusters” and YHC didn’t even find this one online).

Mosey down to where we started the day, and we’d have just enough time for 2 burning sets of block curls and 2 burning sets of skull crushers.  Just enough whole blocks for the 5 of us, too!

Blocks down, time for MWAR and by now the parking lot is pretty full and we’d have lots of spectators.  One ref even warned us of the crowd.


Really enjoyed that workout – hope the pax did, although YHC knows we covered more ground than most probably anticipated.  Credit to Tantrum.  YHC joined him at a recent Ludicrous and as we moseyed through that athletic complex Tantrum mentioned, “We don’t really take advantage of this area enough”. Check that box.

YHC got busy Saturday and tipsy Sunday (morning – Panthers watch party for the 9:30AM kickoff) so it’s now Monday and YHC is wrapping up the BB.  YHC’s calves are in PAIN from those jump squats…  Like, REAL PAIN.

As the pax circled up for name-o-rama, YHC reached for the phone in my pocket…  no help from the pax in remembering it from about 40 mins ago.  Thankfully it was still there.

4 for Coffeteria after (all but Rooter), then joined briefly by Amen who brought YHC a holiday soda (ZERO sugar though).

T-Claps to Snake Eyes who officially takes the MQ role of The Estate going forward.  YHC cannot think of anyone better for the role.  Let’s all start signing up to show him support.
