Don’t forget your Bricks!

Event Date

Feb 06, 2018

I notice a stack of jumbo bricks at St. Marks the other day and thought I could make a workout with those. This is that story.


Warm UP

Mosey around the Church

5 pull ups 1 second hang

5 toes to the bar 1 second hang

5 chin ups 1 second hang


Everyone get two bricks and circle up (The Bricks will remain in our hands for the rest of the workout)

(10 Overhead claps, 15 IST, 10 Seal Claps, 15 Windmills, 15 Toy Soldiers, 15 Brick layers (Cotton Pickers), 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 mericans) ©


Mosey to the school entrance

8 Count Body Builder ©

Peoples Chair, (10 Overhead press, 10 Chest press, 10 Overhead claps) ©


After each exersice below take a lap around the school entrance. (Don’t forget your bricks)

Decline Mericans 10 ©

Incline Mericans 10 ©

WWII Situps 10 ©

Right hand Staggered Mercians 10 ©

Left hand Staggered Mericans 10 ©

Squats 10©

Peoples Chair (5 Overhead claps, 5 Chest press, 5 Overhead press) ©


Mosey to the pull-up bars


Put the bricks back and Recover-Recover



When I look as this workout on paper it doesn’t seem long enough or do it justice. Holding onto those jumbo bricks for the better part of 45 mins and running without swinging your arms really took a cumulative toll. Thanks to all who came out this morning.