Don’t fumble the rock

As we are so far away from meaningful football being played and my 5th grader having just sent a letter to the head coach of the Denver Broncos telling him he should run the ball more (true story); YHC figured the PAX should get some off-season practice with carrying the rock. Therefore, this workout involved the use of a rock for the entire time. YHC is proud to report that no PAX dropped their rock aside from when instructed to (or at least did it while YHC was looking the other direction). 



20 x SSH, 15 x IST, 10 x CP, 15 x Hillbilly, 10 x Mericans (mights well get the hands wet early)


The Thang;

Mosey to rock pile and select a traveling rock. Mosey with rock to covered area of the church. Partner up, size doesn’t matter of course.

One person starts exercise (below) with rock while other mosey to far end of parking lot with rock. Swap places and continue till all reps complete.

  • 150 curls
  • 150 military press
  • 150 skull crushers


The PAX were super enthusiastic and called for an encore so we added a bunch of each exercise in cadence.


Mosey to picnic bench area for some rung-less (top and bottom in same place) ladder stuff.

First round: 1 incline Merican (bottom) and 10 dips (top), add 1 merican and subtract 1 dip till numbers inverted.

Second round: 1 burpee and 10 rock assisted squats, same pattern.


Mosey back to covered area by church for;



43 in cadence rock assisted LBC

A dozen or so rock assisted mason twists


Mosey back to rock pile to dump rocks, mosey back to AO for 5 burpees cause why not?


Recover recover



  • WD – Lear, WB – FLG
  • Goruck custom light this coming Saturday in Charlotte (FLG sent deets on Slack)
  • A 5k that mailman has info on?
  • Prayers for deepends father, motorboats neighbor situation, and chainsaw