Don’t Have to be Faster than the Bear, Just Faster than You

YHC got suckered in by the "Who's here on Wednesday" question for my VQ. Thanks for the support and encouragement to get in the game.


SSH:  20 IC

Toy Soldiers: 10 IC

Windmills: 15 IC

Grandma Maters: 10 IC

Imperial Walkers: 10 IC


Mosey a lap with some high knees and carioka mixed in

The Thang:

     4 – 50m sprints up the parking lot hill (walk/mosey back)

     Then, 10 Crab Cakes, 15 Merkins, 20 Wojo Squats OYO

Repeato, but on rounds 2-4 pair up and chase (with 5 yard or so head start). We count "catches" through the workout. Add 1 burpee per catch for everyone after the squats. We did between 1 and 5 burpees by the end. Probably should have gone with 2 or 5 burpees per catch.



15 Dying Cockroach IC

15 Flutter Kicks IC

15 WW1 OYO

Honestly, I couldn't count or breathe by this point, so I don't remember all the numbers.


Matthew 9:10-13

10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”

12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

My daughter missed a PK at her last soccer game, and she was really down on herself. I was drumming up some fatherly advice (other than:  aim for the big net), and I kept coming back to the basic fact that we can't define ourselves by our achievements or the physical gifts that God has given us in this life. We all fail sooner or later – in one way or another. Someday Finkle won't be 25 and spry, he'll be 46 and stretching (a lot) before every workout like me.

Our character is defined by how we respond to setbacks, but who we truly are can only be defined by God's love for us:  nothing else is permanent. Jesus came for us because we're all sick and need a doctor; because we're all sinners and need a savior.


Yes, YHC somehow did need his cheat sheet to figure out how to count to 10 Toy Soldiers, and yes, Mater did make a crack about sprints right before we got back to the hill for sprints.

Mysterion killed it throughout. Thanks for pushing us. Scope was getting it done and still able to high five up and down the hill. Broke messed up and caught somebody early on before the catch=burpee secret was out. Somehow that idea didn't get a lot of traction after that, but I was too out of breath to figure out how to audible. Honestly, just glad I wasn't splashing merlot somewhere in round 3.

I missed the first name in name-a-rama with my video. I put him in as FNG-1, but probably just missed it. My bad. We were at lucky 13 overall.

Good work done by all. Thanks for the fellowship and encouragement.