Don’t Snap Your Bacon

Event Date

Apr 18, 2023


6 of the toughest pax in Isotope tested the limits of their bacon at Fallout. Here is their story:

A while ago, Tbone led a workout in the bus lot at RBP and YHC thought we should run suicides on the bus lot lines sometime. Well that sometime was today. 

We warmed up with a couple laps in the parking lot to warm up the legs then circled up for warm-a-rama. The typical cycle ensued along with a proper disclaimer and burpees to finish it off. Then we moved to the thang. Suicides on lines 1-5 then stop for 5 mericans and 5 squats. Continue to run suicides on lines 6-10 then 10 mericans and 10 squats. Continue to run suicides on lines 11-15 then 15 mericans and 15 squats. Finish with running suicides on lines 16-20 then finish with 20 mericans and 20 squats.

The pax moved to the parking lot for a cycle of a lap around the parking lot into COP for a mix of exercises that would test the elasticity of your bacon or beef jerky if you are closer to respect than the rest of us. 

We hit lunges, side planks with arms and legs up, tippy birds, Jane Fonda, WWII situps, crunchy frog, CDD, windmills, and probably a couple burpees. Finally brought it home with Mary. It was awesome.

Good to have the Incogs back in the beatdown fold. At least a couple continue to resist the tri urge for fear of being pummeled by a side mirror. Work smarter not harder or something. Need a BEP and Tbone Q on the calendar soon. Snake Eyes and YHC have worked out more together in 2023 than any other year. We are trending in the right direction. Drebin led the suicides. He was also the war baby. Those two things aren’t always correlated but it seems highly likely they were today. Peart Plus got after it today. He seemed especially fond of all the suicides counting. 

Thanks for the opportunity to Q at Fallout, Gambini. Thanks to the LFC Men’s Ministry for the EH (email headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. It is awesome that on any given morning that you can show up in several parking lots around the ‘ville and find other men willing to push you to work harder at 0530. Don’t take it for granted. Get out and push another man to work harder to better his family, better his community, and better himself. Go be a positive light for someone else today. Until the next time…