Don’t Stand So, Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Event Date

Mar 18, 2020

Updated disclaimer – additional risks of COVID-19 were discussed, asking for additional distance between PAX during each station and transfer in between.  



15 Squat Walkers IC

15 Windmills IC

15 Cotton Pickers IC

15 Toy Soldiers IC

Station 1 – The Binches

3 sets of each with a lap around the flagpole

  • 10 Dips IC
  • 20 Step Ups each leg OYO
  • 10 Merkins IC (1 set regular, 1 set incline, 1 set decline)
  • Flagpole lap – halfway bear crawl, halfway lunge walk (2x)

Station 2 – The DU Bars

2 sets of each with karaoke across the field

  • 10 pull up (overhand) grip IC
  • 10 chin up (underhand) grip IC
  • 10 beer can grip IC
  • 30 monkey humpers IC
  • Karaoke across the field (1x)

Station 3 – The Block Pile

2 sets of each with quadraphelia

  • 5 curls IC
  • 5 overhead presses IC
  • 5 skull crushers IC
  • To the bottom of the hill, quadraphelia back to the top

Mosey back to the launch pad

Pit Stop at the DU Bars for 3rd set of all above

Continue mosey back to the launch pad


  • 25 Freddie Mercs IC

Reflection:   Acts 14, Verse 22

'We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.'  We are experiencing an unprecedented time in the history of the world, let alone our country.  The definition of 'hardship' is defined by each of us as individuals and sometimes 'hardship' and 'inconvenience' can be confused.  Many of us are fortunate to have an internet connection to work from home or have our children elearn from home, some of us may not.  Many of us have the means to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner for our families, some of us do not.  Many of us have jobs that allow flexibility to perform our responsibilities, some of us may not.  I'm guilty of making jokes about the situation, however I am going to try my best to limit complaints of inconvenience like restaurants closing and sports shutting down and find ways to support those experiencing hardships.  Quarantine/social distance/isolation/etc can be an opportunity to reconnect with your family or to help others in need.


  • I know there was lots of good stuff, but YHC had a difficult time hearing it all because we were spread so far apart!
  • Zippy was seen and not heard thanks to his tank top and 1982 style shorty shorts –
  • Mater used to be the last one to finish a set and brought up the rear no matter the mosey distance.  Those days are over, now first to finish and leading the pack.
  • Sonar parted the pea soup from The Gates this morning, appreciate you being the guiding light
  • We're always glad when Strudel makes shows at ELHS, primaraly attending at SVU he's subject to isolationism every Tues & Thurs
  • Sparrow tried to take a short cut on the flag pole lap and almost crashed
  • Though they look nothing alike, it's easier for the Q to enter the BB when both Tickle & Twinkle post.  When it's only one of them, their F3 names are so similar it's like flipping over the strawberry and the blueberry in the memory game, so close but yet so far
  • Thanks Clark for the sugg on the BB name
  • Pleasure to lead in any capacity.