Don’t tell the PAX…(but we kinda Rucked this morn)

Event Date

Oct 25, 2017

Closer for the “Standard”

0530…wait P-Funk’s rolling in hot, now let’s go!


Off we go, mosey to the block pile (something about not stretching, but I’m pretty sure that’s what 0525 to 0530 is for)

Everyone grab a block


SSBlocks x 15 (IC) Side Straddle Hops with blocks raised

Imperial Squat Blockers x 15 (IC) again with blocks (PAX begin to sense a theme)

Mosey to Baseball Softball Field WITH BLOCKS


With the World Series upon us, let’s appreciate the “Winter Classic”

Exercise Cards were placed on each base with an exercise—all performed with blocks

YHC’s Phone was placed at home with a random number generator app open

1st Inning—11 Reps(IC)

1st Base-Bears and Blocks(Bear crawl with block drag to 2nd)  Something about we shouldn’t mess up the field so the PAX got Block burpees instead…is it even softball season?

2nd Base-Al Gore(Squat hold with block)

3rd Base-Block Derkins on block

Home-Alternating Shoulder Taps on block

2nd Inning—5 Reps (IC)

1st Base-Copperhead Squats with block

2nd Base-Carolina Dry Dock with feet on block

3rd Base-Block Lunge to Home

Home-American Hammer with block

3rd Inning—18 Reps (IC)

1st Base-Dips on block

2nd Base-Curb Alert (hands on block, down then back up)

3rd Base-Hallelujah to Home

Home-Big Boy Sit-Ups with block

4th Inning7 reps…the virtual die fell off the virtual table so we re-rolled…17 reps (IC)

1st Base-Bent over row with block (Each arm)

2nd Base-Air chair with block presses

3rd Base-Curls

Home-Elf on the Shelf with Block (think American Hammer but block goes all the way extended above your head on the way across

And the game was called…mercy rule due to blowout…

Mosey back with blocks to block pile…HEY ZIPPY!!!


ABC’s-quite possibly the worst Mary exercise of them all (on your six and make out the Alphabet with your legs extended) —insert Q fail here as YHC skipped “W.”  Mutiny when “Start Over” was called.


Philippians 1:3-5

“I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first days until now.”

-I thank my F3 brethren in not only the sharing of the fitness and fellowship, but also in the faith. 

-We speak of making each other better brothers, fathers, etc. and each of you do that to someone is some way whether you know that or not.

-We push to get more out to the 1st F, but we need to continue that some brothers simply need the other 2, and seek it, just as much.  Don’t forget that, whether on IR, schedules, etc.

PRAYER—prayers up for F3 Kilt (surgery today), Julius, and any unspoken.

Oh yeah…




-Felt good to get back on the Q sheet (for now)

-So we basically Rucked today and the PAX LOVED it!!!  The blocks stayed off the ground for the “majority” of the workout, so all you fine men need now is a sack and a patch!

-T-Claps to Closer for at least showing for the Standard

-Good to see Dutch back out…dude kills it every time

-Stitches shows, WITH A F3 SHIRT #He’sOfficial…then promptly gets called out by Clubber, but he’s quick to reciprocate the burn #Accountability

-Clubber’s dressed like it’s 24 not 42…but still goes Beast mode one armed!

-Clark out and pushing bad back and all…good luck today brother

-Found Bertha’s tipping point at exercises and apparently it’s at Curb Job

-Zippy shows at the end but apparently sad clowned it as we were out of sight after 7 minutes.  And went to one of the rare locations on the AO.  Sorry brother, but way to push yourself!

-Thanks for grabbing my phone Stitches/Closer



My pleasure leading and being lead this AM gents!

