Don’t Touch My Bell

Event Date

Mar 27, 2020

15 IC x Cotton Pickers
10 IC x Imperial Squat Walkers
10 IC x diamond merkins

KB Zamparini to front of gym

Round 1
20 x Curl Left
20 x Kettlebell Squat
20 x Kettlebell Dead Lift
20 x Kettlebell Plank
20 x Curl Right
10 x Dr Ws IC – #IStillGotIt
Round 2
20 x KB One Arm Swing (Left Arm)
20 x KB Two Arm Swing
20 x KB Alternating Swings
20 x KB One Arm Swing (Right Arm)
10 x Burpees
Round 3
20 x Row left
20 x Skull Crusher
20 x Air Press
20 x Row Right
10 IC x WTF merkins

Round 4
20 x Around the Body Left counter clockwise
20 x Chest Press
20 x Sidewinder
20 x Around the Body right clockwise
20 x corn cob merkins

KB Zamparini to launchpad

10 IC x KB Russian Twists
10 IC x Superman flutters #
10 IC x LBFC
10 IC x Box Cutter reverse it
10 IC x Tape it back up

Time remaining so we do KB around the world up the parking lot through the island and reverse it going down 

James 1 2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Know that suffering will come and the bible and faith provide you the tools to grow and learn from experiences.


– Mater worried about his giblets
– Spork returns and interrogates Tickle throughout the workout on his jurisdiction
– Twinkle really should grow a mullet
– Marker puts in the work as usual
– PAX minus the Q aren't fans of parking lot Zamparini
– No bells were shared, 6 foot of separation enforced by spork throughout