Don’t worry I “don’t” have a plan

Event Date

Oct 27, 2017


4 pax started the morning early with a standard ruck with 60# an 50# sandbags. 

Theme verse: LUKE 14! 

Warm O Rama

Mosey around the circle
Windmill x 14 IC
IST x 14 IC
Merkin x 14 IC
Mtn. Climbers x 14 IC 


Mosey 1/2 way to theatre at benches for 14 Incline merkins IC
Mosey to fountain by theatre for 14 dips IC
Mosey back to benches for 14 incline merkins IC 
Mosey back to start for sandbag work

Plank sandbag choo choo: Formed plank line, first person dragged sandbag under and passed to next until all sandbags were being passed, then that first person ran to keep the plank line going. Continued all the way down the grass in front of starbucks and then came back. 

Over/Unders and Zamperini: 4 people passed the medicine ball like such: Person 1 passed over head then runs to the back of the line, person 2 grabbed and passed it under their legs then runs to back of line, person 3 passed overhead, etc. All the while the odd man out zamperini's around the fountain circle holding 20# plate overhead. Continued until everyone had  completed zamperini. 

Pre-Mature MARY (Q mistakingly forgot workout went until 0530, not 0515, even though MQ confirmed 0515 😉 
Flutter kicks with sandbag/weight press x 14 IC
14 situps with weight on chest OYO
Touch them heals
14 sandbag burpees each

Cool Down: Mosey around birkdale 


– Thanks to Jedi, Blackberry, and RO for coming to ruck with me before the workout. 0415 is very early! 

– Blackbeard came because it was a "ruck friendly" workout. Sorry we mosey'd more than you expected. Always good having you out. Hopefully it was worth it. 

– Fun racing in together with Mr. Burns at the end of his run. Super strong Burns! 

– Thanks to everyone for coming out and starting my day off so well. It's a joy pushing each other and having fun doing it. 

– Stay Salty my friends! 

-Emmaus verse of study: Luke 14. Key take aways: Stay focused on the important things and seeing the big picture; take the lowest seat so you can be lifted up instead of having to be humbled; give out of the goodness of your heart, not expecting anything in return and receive blessing without feeling like you have do something in return.