The morning started at 04:30 as I was getting ready to walk out the door. I hear Carter my 5 year old get up to use the bathroom. He greets me afterwards with a “whatcha doing daddy?” I told him I was going to workout with my friends. He paused, looked at me funny, and said “but don’t you know it’s raining??”
Yes, my very wise and semi judgy 5 year old is right to think we are crazy for choosing to hit the gloom regardless of weather forecasts. But that’s what it’s all about. We are here for our fellow men, rain or shine. That being said, here’s what happened:
Warm a rama:
- SSH x20
- Hill Billies x10
- Toy soldier x10
- Carrot puller x10
- Windmill x10
The Thang:
Farmers carry KB to shelter (cause Carter was right, it’s crazy to workout in the rain)
- 5 chest press
- 10 skull crushers
- 15 curls
- 20 squats
- 25 bent over row
- 30 around the world
- Small lap
Repeat x6
- Low flutter x10
- Box cutter x10
- Low Dolly x10
- LBCs x10
- Crunchy frog x10
- American hammer x10
- WW2 x10
- Suzanne somers x20 ea
Recover recover
Thank you Shadow and Fast Pitch for joining me regardless of the forecast. Because of y’all I can go home and tell my son that I’m not the only crazy one.
until next time,