Donuts dipped in bourbon

It was a great turnout today as 19 Pax came out to witness and take part in the peaceful transition of the MQ. That, or the promise of coffee, donuts, and bourbon after the workout. Either way YHC was thankful for the showing. The workout as I recall went something like this:



Slow Windmill 11 IC

Schrute Dwights 11 IC


The Work

22 KB Swings

22 KB Curls

22 KB Squats

22 KB Presses

Mosey to front of DPK

11 Step ups IC R&L legs

11 Bulgarian Split Squats IC OYO R&L Leg

Mosey to the parking deck for progressive 8 count burners

Too many cars leaving CG, so I moved us to the lower deck for descending burners

Start and 11 and go down by one at each parking space

KB Swings when you finished while waiting for remaining PAX

Mosey back to start

Lawn mower R&L 11 IC

Oblique Bends R&L 11 IC

Round the world R&L IC

Halo R&L 11 IC


KB V-up 11 IC

KB Press with flutter 11 IC

KB Static hold with leg hold

Mobility Moment

Upward Dog

Downward Dog

Pigeon R&L

Spinal stretch R&L

Forward Fold & Recover/Recover


There were multiple alternative names for this BB based on the mumblechatter. However, this being a family channel YHC left them out. If you were there you know. 

Thank you to Happy Gilmore for the coffee, donuts, and bourbon – now that is how you start a Friday!

Thank you for all the men who chose to get stronger and push themselves today. I really appreciate you coming out and joining me. It has been a great 2 years leading this AO. We sucessfully moved it from Torrence Creek, and the numbers have actually grown. I look forward to supporting The Force as he takes over and challenges us even more. This has been my 3rd stint as a MQ (Odyssey, I started Fartlek, and The Cauldron). If you have not asked to be a MQ, I encourage you to do so. It is a great way to push yourself and others, while building leadership skills and confidence. Not to mention, it is fun. If you are interested in all of these, let Topgun know as he is ready to turn Wilderness over to a new MQ. 

Prayers continue to be lifted for Tick Tock and his family as they mourn the loss of his M. 

Until next time,