
Event Date

Dec 28, 2019


3 emerged from the gloom to find a big ol' RV parked sideways in the AO.  We were all chicken to go knock on the door to see if they wanted to join us.  Besides, it was Anvil's first time back with his new artificial knee.  Now he's OFFICIALLY like the 6 Million Dollar Man (doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo) #gottabeoldtoknow.

*** 7 weeks out of surgery.  no jumping or impacting at all.  Great having Anvil back in the mix.  He always brings the joy.
*** PLUS he has a new motto for 2020.  Super innovative.  #gottashowtoknow

Warm Up:
20x SSH
10x windmills
10x merkins
10/side dippy birds
***lots of mumblechatter catching up with Anvil and hearing about how he FINALLY broke down and bought a real manly truck, a sweet, kickin' Chevrolet.  And then, he tells us about how he didn't know his good pain killers had refills, and he went with hardly any drugs other than ibuprofen

Back to the back:
15x trifectas
10 hanging side-to-side wipers
10x block side-to-side swings
10x plank 2-step
12x curls
12x block squat thrusters

bear crawl to the front playground
mosey bottom of hill
bighill-a-cides with 5 burpees at each baseline
bighill-a-cides with 10x monkey humpers at each line and 5 burpees at each baseline
***thanks for the encouragement to do more burpees Strudel!!

15x Freddy Mercury's
*** adjust "aim" just in case someone IS in the RV
15x low dollys
10x Jane Fonda's right
10x Jane Fonda's left
30s 'merican Hammer

*** Fabio and Skipper come rolling in after a 6.5 mile run or something. 

reflection:  Hebrews 13:5-6
"5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we can confidently say,
   “The Lord is my helper
    I will not fear;
    what can man do to me?”
– after a season of giving and receiving, seemed like a decent time to think about what makes me content.
– sometimes, I try to fill discontentment with running, working out, being in control, shopping, whatever
– what I really need is deepen my relationship with God and allow God's spirit to work through me.  I don't really need anything to be content.  God is the shape to fill any hole in my heart.

– SO GREAT to see Anvil!!!  Strudel too! 
– Prayers for Skipper's family on the recent passing of his grandmother, who sounds like she was a tough mountain woman.
– Never figured out if there was anyone in the RV…still too chicken.

Great work today fellas
Grateful and honored that you'd allow me to to lead ya