
Event Date

Dec 29, 2017

It’s no Beastie Boys, but hopefully the Dora the Explorer theme song is resonating inside your noggin. Threee PAX braved the cold wintry weather for one final cauldron beatdown in 2017. Here’s how it went down. 


SSH x50 IC cause you need to get the blood flowing!

Wind mill x10 IC

Soy bean farmer x10 IC

Toy soldier x10 IC

IST x10 IC

Mountain climbers x10 IC

The Thangy:

Zamperini to bottom of hill at front of school


KB swings x100 with bear crawl

Apollo Ohno x200 with quadrafelia x2

KB curls x300 with 1/4 mile lap

Zamperini to the wall. 

People’s chair with OH press and touch dem heels

Zamperini to home base. 

Sister Mary Katherine:

LBCs x20 IC

Low flutter x20 IC

Crunchy frog x10 IC

Rumple Moleskin:

– T-claps to Bob Ross and Amen for shaking off the fart sack to post.

– Speaking of fart sack, Amen was gassy creating his own special fart sack of sorts. 

– Q calendar is wide open for February!

– Cheers to 2017 and bring on 2018!


The Count