Event Date

Aug 06, 2019


Note: FNG1 = Worley

The Warm-up:

  • SSH x 15 (IC)

  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 (IC)

  • Windmill x 10 (IC)



The Thang:

Mosey to DUMC, grab a paver and circle up:

  • 12 cards were laid around the circle, each one with a different exercise:

    • Overhead Press

    • High Curl

    • Bent-over Row

    • Sumo Squat

    • Chest Press (w/ low flutter if you were so inclined)

    • Skull Crusher

    • Low Curl

    • Squat Press

    • WW2 Sit-up (w/ paver)

    • Mason Twist (w/ paver)
    • Upright Row

  • Do each station to failure

  • Either a) run to the dumpster and back and/or move to the next station

  • Watch out for skunks

Return to The Green

  • Something Rip Tide led

  • Heels to Heaven x 10 (IC)

  • Low-Flutters x 30 (IC)
