Dora Rock ‘n Roll

13 Warriors of the Gloom straggled in to launch from the lower lot of the Harris Teeter Jetton to get their Tuesday off to the right start.

The Thang:

Shortest of moseys to the top of the lot

Cotton Picker X 10

IST X 10

Windmills X 10

Mountain Climbers X 20

SSH X 20

Mosey to the mini horse shoe site, partner up, while partner is running, as a team accomplish 100 Mericans, 200 Carolina Dry Docks, 300 Squats

Mosey to the Rock Pile

Sumo Squats X 10

Bent over row X 10

Curls X 10

Shoulder Press X 10

Skull Crushers X 10

Chest Press X 20

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey back to the mini horse shoe to finish Dora with your partner, 400 LBCs, 500 Rosalitas, 600 Low Flutters

Mosey back to the launch


Naked Man Moleskin:

1) Suspect Landline and Titan had placed a bet to see who could arrive the latest and still find the pax. Lone Star? He just arrived at his usual time.

2) Good to see Grenade out after the first Double Callahan in history

3) Grateful Oyster's son Michael and girlfriend Molly survived their hydroplane accident with divine intervention.

4) Omega has the Q at Fission – attend at your own risk

Honor and Privilege as always to lead this group of men!

