Dora, Wheelbarrows and Mulch Madness at Smithville Park

Disclaimer was given 

10 pax Mosey around the park for some SSH, Carrot Puller, IST, Slow Squats, Merkins, Monkey Humpers,  Bear Crawl, Pickle Pounder, Peter Parker.

Back to the field

We did the following exercises 

Pinky Pie 10-1 Dips and 1-10 Incline Merkins. Can you feel the burn yet?

We then moved to the infield

Partner Up for Mini Dora

50 Shoulder Touch Merkins

100 LBC

150 Jump Squats

Partner up for Wheelbarrow 

25 feet then switch it up another 25 feet Wheelbarrow

10x IC Freddy Mercury 

Home to Marge

10x IC Low Flutter 

10x IC Wide Rosalita

10x IC Low Flutter

Mobility Moment brought to you by Gnarly Goat and Air Stream

Almost forgot. We did Pledge to Allegiance.

Back to bleacher for some

20 each leg OYO Step Up

10x IC JLo

10x IC Touch them Toes



Pax was excited about Annual Cornelius Garden Community and Thank you for ya’ll support.

It’s an honor to be part of Cornelius Garden Community. 

Big Thank you to Possum. Well done brother. 

10 pax for bootcamp and 13 pax for mulch madness. 

Jersey Boy close us out on prayer and Gnarly Goat for opening prayers before mulch madness. 

Great work gentlemen. 


Until next time
