
An honor to lead as Q at this prestigious AO Appreciate the opportunity Outlaw 👍

13 of the areas finest and experienced PAX showed for PAINinsula for the appli named by GOAT as the Dorapena.

It all went a little something like:

Mosey to Yoga Studio parking lot for Warm-aroma: SSH IC X 20, slow windmills IC X 10, carrot pullers IC X 15, chin to right knee for 5 count hold then traverse into runner’s stretch for 5 count hold, flip flop, Toy Soldiers IC X 10.

Mosey to fire station for pledge of allegiance.

Partner up, grab a rock, gather at the bottom of the hill (starting spot for the Horseshoe).

The Thang – Multi Directional DORA or appli named Dorapena.

Round 1 –

1st Partner runs East to street lamp while 2nd Partner does Shoulder Press X 200, swap after Partner 1 returns.

After completing ☝️, 1st Partner runs North Up the Horseshoe Hill while 2nd Partner does Curls X 200, swap after Partner 1 returns.

After completing ☝️, 1st Partner runs West to the fire station parking lot while 2nd Partner does Chest Presses X 200, swap after Partner 1 returns.

Round 2 – decrease count to 100.

Lamp Post is Skull Crushers X 100,

Horseshoe Hill is Bent Over Rows X 100,

Fire station is Rock Squats X 100

Inclined Mericans for first finishing groups.

Return rocks. Mosey down the stairs, across the bridge, up the hill to starting point for mobility moment: pigeon, cat cow, child’s pose, LBCs IC X 20, Ws IC X 15, dieing cockroach IC X 15, thread the needle IC X 10 each arm.

Mosey back to launch.

Recover, Recover

Announcements: Take That Hill on October 7th (double check social media or text from Callahan) benefitting Purple Heart Homes 

Prayer Requests: keep Toby and his family in your prayers 🙏

A true honor to Q at this prestigious AO this morning with some of the finest PAX in the region. Thank you for the turnout and support.