Double Crossed by Cobra Kai

This was my second time as “Q.” As anticipation grew and my kettlebell workout was drawn up, Cobra Kai broke the news to me a day before that on the last MMM of the month they do “The Murph.” Was it a mere coincidence that he directed me to that date when I eagerly volunteered to Q for the month of April? I can’t help but suspect that when recruiting volunteers to Q for April, the thought of “He is going to f it up” popped in his head so he penciled me in for the last Monday of the month. With the same level of communication and expectations a parent has of their three-year-old child coloring in the lines of pre-drawn picture, he provided me instructions on typing the back blast for today’s workout.

The Thang:

  • The Murph

In all seriousness Cobra Kai introduced me to F3 and I am so grateful for it. We had seven guys that handled The Murph this morning like champs.
