Double Dora at MMM

Cobra requested a standard so we met and got 2.25 in before grabbing KBs and joining the growing group. 7 of us circle up while JB pulls in at 5:29 to make 8. We mosey a slow lap and circle up for warmorama. Cherry Bomb then joins and finally Popcorn to make a clean 10.

Warmorama included SSH, IST, toy solider, slow windmill, carrot puller. 

The Thang:
Partner up for dora. Round 1 included:
100 KB swings
200 goblet squats
300 around the worlds 
partner runs across the parking lot to 2nd basketball goal

Mosey to the wall for peoples chair, air press, touch them heals. Mosey to curb for Rocky Balboa and calf raises. 

Dora round 2:
100 skull crushers
200 curls

We passed Mary around, exercises included:
LBCs, banana holds, low flutter, X’s/O’s (new one from JB), pretzel crunch, WW2s, and a few more I am forgetting.

Recover recover.

Great effort all around this morning. Definitely felt like a Monday from the mumblechatter level but that could have been because everyone was getting after it. Tons of reps and Pax got 1.6-7 miles in. Shout out to Possum for putting on a great event with Hope House and thanks to all who donated time or money. Continued prayers for Blackbeard and Greyhound’s stepmom. Thanks for taking us our Greyhound and thanks for the opportunity to Q my first KB workout.