Double Dora Returns to #Fission

11 Pax posted for a Fission Double Dora beatdown.  After a simple mosey around the HT we circled up for a quick, non-traditional, disclaimer and a few warm-ups:




We then moseyed over to grab our blocks for Dora and partner up.

The exercises: you know the deal- partners swap off running and exercises, tallying as they go.  The run was about 30 yards each way.

100 block ‘Mericans

100 Block swings

200 Block Squats

200 Block Curls

300 combo shrug and calf raise (with blocks of course)

300 old-school sit-ups

We had time for a quick MARY of Low flutter, Dying Cockroach, Touch dem heels and little baby extensions.


  1. As Bijoux said, pretty much 45 minutes of suck
  2. Looks like Greyhound has caught the F3 fever- he’s 3 weeks in and has become the guy you expect to see at every workout
  3. Somehow Bijoux and Yosemite finished everything in 22 minutes and then repeated.  Though I did see some struggling there with the sit-ups.
  4. Bel-air continues to impress and apparently got 2 years younger today?  Tell me the secret!
  5. JB was looking to gain points with the Q by representing with swag from a local construction business.  Lookin’ sharp! 
  6. Bagboy again missed his shot at a T-shirt, as he decided to leave before COT finished.  Maybe next time!
  7. Good to see Chilly Willy out again.  We’re here every week, bro!
  8. Hat Trick and Hollywood tend to be the strong silent type, no communication happened between them other than calls of 27, 58, 72, etc.
  9. Waffle banged out the curls and swings, but the sit-up count from him kept getting smaller each round.  Looks like that one got most of us.
  10. Thanks for posting, gents.