13 Pax posted this fine #Hollywood morning for a quick double-feature. The skinny Thang:Mosey to a quick and less-than-binding disclaimer.SSH X 25Slow SquatISTWindmillSlow ‘MericanDying Cockroach Mosey to the parking deck.Backward to the top, 7 burpees, forward around and down, 20 alternating LBCsRepeat for 6,5,4,3,2,1 burpees and 20 LBCsSecond round:Backward to the top, 7 jump-squats and 7 ‘Mericans, forward around and down, 20 WWIIsRepeat for 6,5,4,3,2,1 of the same with 20 WWIIsMosey back to launch for MARYLittle baby extensionsJack-knife LBCsJ-LoThe WFinNaked Moleskin:1. Great to see such a strong turnout this morning, regulars to this AO and not-so-regulars2. Welcome to Mike Check, a transplant from Ballantine who killed it today3. Welcome to Mammogram. Not sure where you came from, but good stuff anyhow.4. Holiday shared a good message for reaching out to those you haven’t seen in a while. You never know who may be struggling.5. Speaking of, has anyone seen Goodlife? Hello? Goodlife? Hope you’re well.6. Stay strong, gents and thanks for posting!