Double naming at Viking

Event Date

Aug 01, 2023


Pulling in to Christ Community Church I was pleasantly surprised to see new faces already in the parking lot. 6 Pax joined me as we moseyed in to North Meck Park. 

Mosey to the first parking lot for lap a lap of butt kicks, high knees, side shuffle, karaoke.
Circle up for SSH, IST, toy soldier, slow windmill, carrot puller

The Thing:
Mosey to the upper picnic tables for incline merkins, dips, slow squat, decline merkin, step ups.
Mosey to the concession stand for peoples chair, air press, touch them heals
Mosey through the park to the rock pile. Grab a rock and head to lower parking lot

Perform the following exercises with a lap in between (lap is .10 so goal was 1 mile).
The curl, skullcrusher, bent over row, overhead press, chest press, then repeato.

Put rocks back and mosey to start for mary. Pretzel crunch, Waffle House called little baby extension, Hippie called Suzanne Summers. End with 1 burpee. Recover, recover.

It was great to have 2 new faces out today. Chris(now Edsel) and Brice(now Nugent) both did awesome today and I really look forward to having them both out again. F3 has truly had an incredible influence on my life, especially over the last 7 months, and I hope Edsel and Nugent can both experience the same thing. Thanks for joining me in the gloom this morning.