Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun


Lap around the underutilized quarter mile field with stops at each corner for SST, WM, IST, VG.  Each corner named upper, middle, etc OR alpha, bravo, etc OR 1,2,3,4 depending on your background and math skills.  

The Thang

Curls, skulls, presses ICx10.  Run to 1st corner for 2 burpees, run to next for 10 merkins, back for 2 burpees and plank for the 6.

Bent rows, rup right row, Shambalas ICx10.  Run opposite direction for 2 burpees, 10 squats, 2 burpees, plank.

Repeato set 1 with everything doubled ICx20, 4 burpees, 20 merkins, 4 burpees.  

Repeato set 2

Peter Parker x20, recovery lap around the fountain

Parker Peter x20, recovery lap 

Should tap plank x10, recover lap

Plank for the ruckers to finish

Nekkid Man Moleskin

Hurdle and Ape with quite the battle for Rock supremacy today

Cupcake astutely pointed out during the curls that 20 Shambalas were coming and would suck

Welcome back Penske Kotters- FLG and RAC.  Can we get a Strutter back to Race City?

Pink Slip misses Pyle

Tombstone continues to regale us with stories and is the betting favorite for MVP of the upcoming beach trip

FNG-1 is my boy DJ Hipsway

Contra made the blast but won't count next time.  #COTmatters

Prayer up for Cupcake's FIL having tests today

Halloween party cancelled due to these strange water drops falling from the sky

Humbled as always to lead you fine men- CW