Doubles VQ


Run to top of deck (karaoke, backwards, high knees)

Huff and Puff:
Partner deck running – P1 goes down the stairs to the basement and all the way to the top; P2 does AMRAP Pax Choice (SSH, IST, LBC, Othes)
Repeato 3x

15x Merkins, 20x Lunges, 10x Jump squats
Repeato 3x

Shuttle Run Madness – partners line up across the top of the deck and do a shuttle run (out back, out back) grabbing a mini block.
5 rounds per team

break time

5 rounds again because the Pax couldn’t figure it out after the first set

Recover Recover!!

Thanks for taking it easy on the virgin even if I didn’t take it easy on the run haters.
