Down and back must be the “standard”

Event Date

May 20, 2023

We came, we rucked, we talked smack (is that the same as mumble-chatter or a different tier?).

We created a diabolically genius plan to disrupt Mr. Holland during his farewell Q, but didn’t follow-through because the Pax took pity on him. Good Q at Bedrock today Mr. Holland…

A total of ~3.2 miles were covered. Apparently, there was a desire among the Pax to not make 4 laps around the trail way as YHC planned (even though EVERY Saturday we ruck to the SAME place and back). Because YHC is the Q who cares, we switched it up and did two laps complimented by the traditional “down and back” leg (#changemanagement). Walkie Talkie and Hang Time are not in our system, but were present and accounted for.

Great job today gents, even with the mumble-chatter.
