Dr. Doom

Event Date

Jul 16, 2016


Eleven (including RECon) gathered in the SVU muggy morning gloom for a friendly game of cards.  Unfortunately Dr. W joined in with the Deck of Doom!

Warm Up

  • 20IC SSH
  • 20IC MC
  • 15IC CP
  • Mosey to back, grab a block and return to parking lot.

The Thang

Deck of Doom – Number on randomly drawn card determines number of reps. (Double value for any card below 5).  Exercise determined by suit.

  • Diamonds – IC Merkins (diamond, wide, stagger, copperhead, etc at Q’s discretion)
  • Clubs – IC Dr. W’s
  • Hearts – IC Block Work (Curls, Shoulder Press, Tri-fectas)
  • Spade – OYO Burpees

Face cards (J-A) got special treatment

  • Jacks – IC Jack-in-the-Box Squats (Star Burst Squats)
  • Queens  – IC Freddy Mercury
  • King – King of the Hill – Gathering run to top of big hill and back
  • Ace – Bear Crawl up parking lot, Crawl Bear back down

Return blocks and gather for Mary


  • 20IC LBC
  • 20IC Big Scissor (Light Bulb Request)
  • 10IC Hip Dip – Left
  • 10IC Hip Dip – Right
  • 30sec Mason Twist


C.S. Lewis—

            Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.

At times when I find myself lackadaisical in my Christian faith I often think of this quote.  Its logic is so profound yet so simplistic that I don’t know how one could argue against it.  Christianity cannot be moderately important yet we so often go about our daily lives treating it as such. Christianity IS of infinite importance so why not live our lives accordingly?


  • Great effort by all in some very muggy conditions.  Nice sweat puddles all around.
  • Abrams killing it as always.  Dude only has one gear – overdrive!
  • T-Claps to Anvil for Planking it up every time when waiting for the six.
  • Light Bulb called out request for Big Scissors during Mary, somebody (Skipper?) noted that he didn’t say to do 20!
  • A lot of Dr. W’s today.  Resisted the temptation to start off Mary with them.
  • Continued prayers for Anvil's wife and Metro's friend.
  • As always it’s an honor and privilege to lead.  Hope all have a great week!