Dread not on the Dreadnought

Event Date

Apr 13, 2019

Preblast went out to ~25 Scout dads on the hangar deck Friday night in hopes that we could round up some FNG's whilst the testosterone was high on a battleship.  Three F3 "regulars" were all that showed after a night of cramped cot sleeping and waking to a symphony of snoring.

0630 we meet on the hangar deck waiting for the sunrise and access to the top deck for a little carrier ship beatdown.

0645 the PAX we informed that we could go up whenever we wanted and the chains were only for the kids so off we go.



SSH (IC) x 20

Arm circle smoke show to which the Q was told "these don't do anything" yet for some reason not all of the arms stayed up the whole time.  Lil forward, lil backward, OH claps (IC) x 15, big forwards, big backwards, Seal claps (IC) x 15

Right about now is where the PAX were busted for trespassing, but the staff was quick to smile when they realized what we were doing.  Had he not been on the clock I think we woudl have had at least one FNG.

Mountain climbers Plank jacks (IC) x 15

Dippy birds (IC) x 5 each leg

Indian run around the planes on the flight deck


Find the wall on the control tower and lets do a one minute wall sit

Mosey to the flapole for a little ascending bear crawl merkins. Start at one side of the runway markings, bear crawl to the other do one merkin, crawl bear or bear crawl back do 2 merkins, repeato all the way up to 9 merkins.  Lots of bear crawl travel time and 45 merkins in total (someone's feeling the arm circles now)

Find the bench at the end of the deck.  Run around the plane  while the remaining 2 PAX perform an exercise, until all do the run.  Each PAX will do 2 sessions (~45 seconds each) of said exercise.


Step Ups

WW2 sit ups

About now the ship has awoken and those make their way up to the deck to start their sightseeing for the day.  To keep the "no running rule" in effect in front of the Scouts on board, we move to…


LBC (IC) x 15, Low dolly (IC) x 15, & Low flutter (IC) x 15


Thanks to those that keep YHC accountable.  Even though not quite the turnout hoped for, those that showed got stronger and made YHC stronger.  It was noticed as well, as multiple Scouts through out the day asked what we did and the "keep myself physically fit" portion of the Scout Oath was maintained.


prayer out


-There's not much more manly than working out on the top deck of an aircraft carrier, though eating beef jerky while doing pullups on the wing of one of the planes was offered up.

-A couple of PAX chose the fartsack though in the end probably got ~9 miles in for the day chasing the 2.1's around the carrier, destroyer, sub, and Fort Sumpter.

-Good to have our Hville brother Motorpool to join us.  Not sure if YHC gets credit for EH'ing him or not to F3, but definitely got a good one to lead the Pack after YHC's exit next year.  He joined F3 recently and is loving it.  It's a true testament how F3 works as you just have to "Do your best!"

-Enjoyed the clown car down to and back from the Yorktown, the beatdown, (maybe some doughnuts) and some Big Daddy's with brother Jeeves and his 2.0. 

-If you have not done the Yorktown campout with your 2.0's it is a DO NOT MISS.  A carier tour can become a bit mundane after an hour, but to stay on the boat, eat in the mess hall, enjoy some aviation training, and have plenty of time to spread out the history intake is surely the way to do it.

Pleasure to lead and be led by my F3 brothers,
