Dream Team = Metal + Burpees

Event Date

Aug 28, 2019

6 men showed for some metal and burpees at Muscle Beach. Disclaimer said and we were off.


3 laps around parking lot with some backwards uphill running in the mix.


Pax did 2 sets of the exercises below. Each exercise consisted of the reps listed below + 5 burpees + reps listed below. Example: 10 Curls + 5 burpees + 10 Curls = #1.

  1. Curls – 10 [20 lb kettles]
  2. Squats – 10 [55 lb kettle]
  3. Bent rows – 10 [60lb sandbag]
  4. Bench press w/flutter – 10 [35 lb kettles]
  5. Hammer Curls – 10 [25 lb dumbells]
  6. Shoulder Press – 10 [30 lb kettles]
  7. Kettle swings – 10 [45 lb kettle]
  8. Merkins w/bag pull – 10 [40 lb sandbag]
  9. OH Tricep extension – 10 each arm [15 lb dumbells]

After Set #1, Pax ran around parking lot twice. Circle for: 20 LBC IC, 20 crunchy frog IC, 10 American Hammer IC.

After Set #2, Pax wrapped with 20 burpees.

Totals: 360 metal reps, 100 burpees. 0.6 miles running, ab work


  • FNG-1 is Jason Hollar, who will now forever be known by his F3 name of "Schwinn". Long story but glad to have Schwinn as part of our Pax and hope to keep seeing you out.
  • Sand bag was getting best of Ozzie on the Merkin pulls until Q gently nudged. Ozzie owned that bag for the rest of the workout. Knew you had it in you bro.
  • Heavy EH on Ozzie by Surf for first Q. Maybe tomorrow??
  • There was a lot of fellowship happening at certain points in the workout. Great stuff but needed some pushing to get through. May have been planned???
  • Awesome workout fellas. Thanks for letting me lead and take us out in prayer.