Dripping with olive oil

13 men posted this morning at Stretch Armstrong and 4 pax posted for standard ( Amen, Frontier, Ponch and Titan )

Disclaimer… Really? You never know.

As I recall, we did too many stretch

Rail warm up and pat down search per Ponch. 

Bottom Rail – Left Leg stretch then right leg. Hold it for 30 seconds each

Top Rail – Left Leg stretch then right leg. Hold it for 30 seconds each

Grab your left ankle from behind. Hold it for 30 seconds then flip flop

Grab your left knee and fold it toward your chest for 30 seconds then flip flop

Both hands on rail, place both feet underneath the rail then slowly lower your body. Hold it for 30 seconds then reverse the hand grip. Can you feel it?

Back to your own yoga mat

  1. Forward fold
  2. Stand in your toes
  3. Warrior One
  4. Warrior two
  5. Reverse Warrior
  6. Plank
  7. Plank with right leg up then flip flop
  8. Downward Dog, Upward Dog
  9. Runner Pose
  10. Half Pigeon
  11. Pigeon Warrior One, Two and Reverse
  12. Lying Pigeon Pose
  13. Supine Pigeon Stretch
  14. Child Pose
  15. Lying Cobbler Pose
  16. Pre-Flight
  17. Tree Pose
  18. Catcher Pose
  19. Table Pose
  20. Cornwallis Wall
  21. Cornwallis Wall Reverse Cobbler, single leg cobbler
  22. Wide Rosalita – Hold for 30 seconds 


Thank you everyone who came out this morning. Awesome group and great work by all.

Ponch aka Skynet did his job this morning. What happens in Stretch Armstrong, Stays in Stretch Armstrong. YHC was dripping in olive oil (just a sweat from standard) next time, make sure to wear shirt. 

Frogger as usual brought the mumblechatter. 

War Baby – Change. War Daddy – BelAir – Triple Respect

Let me guess, Blackbeard took the wrong stop light and never make it to Stretch Armstrong.

Omaha did attempt to take over my Q. Is my stretch style too hard for you? just kidding. Thank you for allowing me to lead.

Ponch took us out on a prayer this morning.









