Drive it like you stole it

With a rare opportunity to Q the Blender YHC stole it and, along with an eager band of thieves, promptly drove it into the ground. Here's how it went down:

WD- Binary, WB- Lego

3 met The Standard for 3 miles

Warm Up

What warm up?! This is The BLENDER for crying out loud!

The Thang

  • Moderate mosey w/ KB to drive near pull up bars
  • Roll all three tractor tires to drive (immediate PAX intimidation)
  • Take a long fast lap around the GCC great big green gym

First Set- 15 mins AMRAP

  • Tire flips x 10 (6 with monster tire)
  • Thrusters w/ KB x 20
  • KB swings x 30
  • Repeato until time expired

Second Set- 15 mins AMRAP

  • Pull-ups x 10
  • Sprint to third base line
  • Hand release merkins x 20
  • Sprint back
  • Lunge walk w/ KB overhead x 30 (15 each leg)
  • Repeato until time expired


Not normal for Blender, but what the heck

  • Partner up for 1 minute KB sit-ups
  • Recover, recover


Great work by all PAX today! Fair to say we all left beat after the solid effort.

Strong showing from some guys who don't normally post the Blender: Binary, Turnpike, Lone Star, Tiramisu, Dry Rub

T-claps to Uncle Rico for completing all reps with 44lb KB, not to be outdone by Snoopy with his shiny new 45 pounder!

Lego smoked everyone on the second set, but to protect his image I will refrain from disclosing his KB circumference.

Thanks, Bogey, for the opportunity to lead this legendary beatdown with an awesome group of men.

YHC- Smoke