Duckboat Ride!

The preblast was intended to draw some pax out of the fartsac who were up for some sweat and suck.  I wondered who would be up for the challenge as I pulled in the lot to Happy Gilmore walking in followed by a steady stream of headlights.  Quickly realized i forgot my watch and still cant believe none of the first 5 pax had a watch to back me up.  Wait, here comes Snake Eyes to the rescue…..I am sure he has a watch!!!  He did and off we went one minute late!!!!

Mosey through the parking lot doing various dynamic movements

Warmorama=Hofforama (show to know)

Grab a block!

Round 1: 3 sets of 15 curls and 10 Skull Crushers

Run around the first island 5 times.

…..the sets of curls started the pax grumbling a bit as many wanted to stop and 10 (and did!!!!)

Round 2: 3 sets of 15 Chest Press and 10 Incline Merkins on the block

Run around the second island 3 times

……Toxic was smart enough to realize that the movements in this set were pretty much the same!!!!…..more grumbling and chatter ensued as this round looked way better on paper!!!!!

Round 3: 3 sets of 10 Block Swings and 10 Lawnmowers (each arm)

Run around third island 1 time

Return the blocks!

Mosey to launch point for:

Mary: 10 Low Flutter IC; 10 Low Dolley IC; 10 Box Cutter IC; 15 Shoulder Touch Merkin IC (Snake Eyes)

Great work today men!!!!  A great crowd at Samson today for sure with some new/old faces from traditionally other AOs.  Have a great day today and try to make at least one person smile today!!!!  You will enjoy it!!!

Until next time!
