Dude, where’s my car

Event Date

Feb 05, 2025

FNG’s are actually Coach Mellor, Squeaky, and an Actual FNG

Clark and Cheese arrive right at 0530 and see no other cars near the launch pad, but 2 other cars parked elsewhere in the lot. Coach Mellor pulls in, and the other two cars in the lot come join… out comes Squeaky and his buddy FNG Solomon then Travolta coming in hot. Okay, now that that’s settled let’s get to work, but nobody signed up for the Q. So YHC wings it.

Toy Soldiers
ISW (apparently it’s too early for me to do these… fail just do squats)

The meat
Mosey to the pull up bars
Partner up. Help your partner get 10 pull-ups (if needed). 20 ‘Mericans, 30 squats
Repeato for 3 total rounds mixing up the ‘Mericans 

Mosey to the rock pile and grab a rock that makes mamma proud. Partner up. Partner A does a move while B runs the parking lot hill, swap.
Curls x 2 rounds
Shoulder Press x 2 rounds
Skull crusher x 1 round
Trifecta x 1 round

line up on the bottom line, dragon walk to the first line, lunge walk to the 2nd, bear crawl to the 3rd, and burpee broad jump to the end.

line back up at the bottom and quadraphilia to the top

Low Flutters
Pretzel Crunch L then R
Freddie Mercury
Homer to Marge to Mr Burns

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Short discussion on what it means to walk by the spirit and what that might look like.
